Berita SMP

Hybrid learning, also referred to as blended learning, is an approach to education that combines online educational materials with traditional in-person classroom methods. It’s not fully virtual nor is it fully digital. It requires the physical presence of both teacher and learner while providing the learner some control over time and pace.

SMP Ar-Rahman Islamic School has been conducting hybrid learning since 4th October 2021. Most students of SMP Ar-Rahman Islamic School have been allowed to study at school, just only a few students who study at home. Every week, each class will get the schedule of offline school and each class is divided into two groups.

The A group will hold offline learning in the first and third week while the B group will hold it in the second and the fourth week. The teacher should teach by using hybrid learning, the students are at home using zoom meeting while the students are at school studying in the classroom with the teacher.

I as an English Teacher have to teach in different ways in order to make the students feel enthusiast and motivated to learn English. It is one of strategic that I use is Visible Thinking Routine. Think Pair Share and Mind Map are one of practical guides I often use in the classroom.

Thinking routines teach students to make their ideas visible and accessible. This is done through a variety of graphic organizers which help structure ideation and reasoning. They are simple to use, yet powerful in impact.

The purpose of thinking routines is to promote a deeper understanding of content, and help students understand how they think and learn.  As Margaret Mead writes “Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.”

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